Thursday, August 12, 2010


I did a job for a Canadian French Cheese company and had the opportunity to speak a couple of lines in French. What an interesting and frustrating experience. I learn a lot every time I'm on set and this was no exception. Six hours on set trying to please everyone and making sure I keep my end of the deal. The lesson again is that one cannot please everyone and that we can only do the best we can with what we have in every moment. Staying positive and not allowing the moment to overwhelm me, is the challenge. I did get through it and will be very interested to see the end result.
Never a dull moment.
This year seems to be the year where every one is embracing their power and true path of choice. I watch my days play out and the days of those close to me and the amount of change and dramatic action is astonishing. I see metamorphosis taking place in worlds colliding with mine and its exciting, overwhelming and definitely scary at times. But I say go peeps! "Charaiveti" beloved ones, Charaiveti(keep on moving)!
Patience our new cat is the most beautiful creature. She is pure joy, a great cuddle and a little panther that is always looking for her next prey. I am so happy to have my own patience pay off, to have this wonderful soul enter our household bringing even more life and love to it.
Going for a walk on the beach yesterday I saw only the seals around, I miss the pelicans and dolphins who is not out in the same abundance as previous years. I don't blame them since the weather has been one grey day after another. The light is affecting me and makes me want to run and hide at the same time. I jump in the car with Ryan for a ride along at least once a week to go find the summer. I'm reminded why I had to leave London after a year, not one for the grey light. Plus I love summer and the sun and I'm from Africa for goodness sake...I'm just saying.

"Happy Accidents" written and directed by Brad Anderson was a my favorite movie this week. It's an independent with Marissa Tomei and Vincent Donotrio. Quirky, funny and with a good measure of depth I really loved it and if you're up for something a little different, watch it. I love Marissa Tomei's work and choices and thought the script engaging and good.
I'm just saying...

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