My prenatal and postnatal story, giving birth to CQ. The gift of Metamorphosis in my life. Being a full time mother & learning life through the eyes of a little person.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Rooibos tee
I went to a great talk about nutrition last night a friend of mine, Elaine Bryan did. It was all about the facts and fiction around diets and weight loss. Again I realize how simple it can be to take good care of ourselves. If we really choose to listen to our bodies and not so much to all the noise that is mass marketing to us all. We are each so unique in every way, and when we learn to listen to the little voice pleading within, we might make simpler choices, healthier choices, real choices, knowing that our experience is our responsibility. (Okay that was MetaMama talking)
I decided to revisit my new found passion for Rooibos Tea. When I fell pregnant I had an intense urge to just get rid of all the rooibos tea in my house. Since its a South African staple I was stocked up to the brim and all my neighbors received a bag filled with this wonder tea. But then when CQ was born I had a sudden need for it again, the sweet subtle taste of Rooibos Tea.(wow...that sounds like an add campaign of some sort) I was nurtured on it as a child, and its benefits was never as clear to me until I had a baby. My mom started telling me about how wonderful it is for babies. It has no caffeine and has very low tannins. Rooibos has more anti-oxidants than even green tea and has anti-oxidants not even found in other teas. It's filled with wonderful minerals like magnesium, zinc and calcium. It has anti-spasmodic qualities so its amazing for babies suffering with colic. It is CQs staple drink when she is not breast feeding.
I now finish and start my day with a cup of Rooibos and feel more energized and balanced by this ritual. I think the key is that it relaxes me because it keeps my body stocked up with some good minerals that helps my ph balance.
So that's my tit-bit for now, take it or leave it or ad a grain of salt, I'm just saying:)
Friday, January 20, 2012
die taal van my hart. Vanoggend loop ek in hierdie Amerikaanse strate in California en ek voel hoe trane spontaan oor my wange loop toe Koos Kombuis in my ore fluister en my aan my kinderdae, braaivleis en selfs die kerk herinner. Hier sit ek myle, kilometers ver van my geliefde hart land. Mens weet nooit wat die dag gaan toelaat nie. Ek neem aan, party dae is mens maar net sterk genoeg om sekere emosies herkenning te gee. Dankie Koos en Schalk vir die note wat my hart laat oopgaan. Ek hoop Charlotte sal altyd die klanke en tale van haar Afrika ken.
Ek stuur liefde en groete na die Kaap en sy berge en see en wynlande[ Goodings Grove]
Ek verlang na die hadidas en die groen van Johannesburg met al sy smiles en geskiedenis waar die dapper mens drome kan vang.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
... a commodity. I realize now what a luxury uninterrupted sleep is, something I used to enjoy so much!
I am unable to use the CIO(cry it out) method with CQ [I don't run to her with every little cry out, but when she calls it's for a reason and that is obvious.] She can go to sleep by herself, it's pretty sweet how she will sing herself to sleep, but she is hungry every four hours most nights. She is on a pretty consistent nap schedule and also have a bedtime ritual. So I have become content with my disrupted sleep, but look forward to that six hours of dreamland healing, hopefully sometime in my future.
I also am very aware that every baby is different, talking with other moms whose babies are sleeping through the night, and some with the same schedule as us. I thank the gods that I am not counted on for constructive sentences on a daily basis, because it takes me a while. I am still wrapping my head around the multi-tasking our mothers and many women boast about. I seem to just spill something or hurt myself when I try more than one thing at a time. I, there for, try and just focus and be in the moment with what I am doing, I find I become less anxious and accident prone, less likely to spill hot coffee on our child or to slip on CQs oatmeal thats covering the floor. But the biggest key to not freaking out right now is distracting the mean judging part of my brain, to keep it of my back, I guess thats what reality TV is for.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
The first week of 2012 is almost over. I am enjoying one last slumber day. Slowly allowing it all to become a reality. Intentions were called out, now its time to implement and follow through. I am living a life I never dreamt about yet I live a dream counting my blessings and enjoying the challenges. I am sort of at a loss for words with the turn of this year. I am glad its full moon tonight, hopefully it will shed some light and allow the path ahead to be revealed. All I know for sure is that I am a mother now and this is something that will never change. I'm intrigued and puzzled everyday. I look forward to 2012: CQ will turn one, my family will be another little baby richer and I will be married for six years. I am going to be certified as a doula and I am excited. With Metamorphosis as the funnest and clearest lens I have ever used to look at the world and its ways I look forward to learn more and share with those in my world.
Metamama:"living each day with my ear tuned to the guidance from within."CQ had a great time new years eve, she would not let up until she could be a part of the festivities. As the clock ticked towards midnight, we all actually chilled out, feeling the lateness as new parents, but the habit of staying up for the turn keeping us involved, and then CQ joined the party a few minutes before midnight, it was fun going into the new year with our whole little family participating.
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