Sunday, January 8, 2012


The first week of 2012 is almost over. I am enjoying one last slumber day. Slowly allowing it all to become a reality.
Intentions were called out, now its time to implement and follow through. I am living a life I never dreamt about yet I live a dream counting my blessings and enjoying the challenges. I am sort of at a loss for words with the turn of this year. I am glad its full moon tonight, hopefully it will shed some light and allow the path ahead to be revealed. All I know for sure is that I am a mother now and this is something that will never change. I'm intrigued and puzzled everyday. I look forward to 2012: CQ will turn one, my family will be another little baby richer and I will be married for six years. I am going to be certified as a doula and I am excited. With Metamorphosis as the funnest and clearest lens I have ever used to look at the world and its ways I look forward to learn more and share with those in my world. Metamama:"living each day with my ear tuned to the guidance from within."
CQ had a great time new years eve, she would not let up until she could be a part of the festivities. As the clock ticked towards midnight, we all actually chilled out, feeling the lateness as new parents, but the habit of staying up for the turn keeping us involved, and then CQ joined the party a few minutes before midnight, it was fun going into the new year with our whole little family participating.

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